Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Before and After

 Yesterday I was making a before and after blog post of how to expand your ideas when writing. I took a picture of a blog post that needed work as my before picture. I then had to add more writing and reflect on my work. After that I took a picture to show my after work.

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Kawa of care

 Last month we learned how to look after our chromebook and now we have a Kawa of care. A Kawa of care is a contract to not break the rules. 

Friday, 7 August 2020

My report on Narwhals

Today I was learning how to write a report on Narwhals.

My new learning was how to extend my ideas.

I enjoyed finding facts and information.

I found it challenging to extend my sentences using my keywords.

My digital learning object shows I can insert a google doc into my blog. 

Next time I would add more information to my report.